Alaska is a land full of mystery and endless beauty. It is also a peaceful place where people live in sync with nature and its wonders. We had the amazing opportunity to visit Alaska twice, back in 2013 and 2014. During this time, we fell in love with its gorgeous mountains, blue glaciers, and wild rivers. The place opened our eyes to the beauty of this world. Moreover, it inspired us to travel more frequently, and further.

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Table of Contents
How we got there
Our amazing adventure in Alaska started back in 2013 when Ivan and I decided to leave Europe and go to the USA for first time. We found summer jobs at Kennicott Glacier Lodge, a family-owned hotel up in the mountains, at Wrangell-St. Elias National Park. It is the biggest US National park and worth visiting at least once in your life. Both of us were super excited that we would have the opportunity to spend 3.5 months at this magic place. Of course, before going there, we researched some basic information about Alaska, its history, and the weather.
What we didn't imagine
was that once you land at the Last Frontier, you are going to another world. This state is very beautiful and has so much to offer! You name it: Hiking, Fishing, Kayaking, Camping, Ice climbing, Flying on a single-engine plane, Going on Historical Tours, Back Country Backpacking… The list of activities is very long. I recommend you to check some of the local guide companies who provide a variety of memorable tours over there. If you are heading to the historic town of Kennicott, two awesome tour companies there are Kennicott Wilderness Guides and St. Elias Alpine Guides.

In the northern parts of Alaska, you can enjoy the most beautiful nature’s creation – Aurora Borealis. We were lucky enough to see it twice. Watching the Northern Lights is an event that leaves you speechless. You start wondering if you are still on planet Earth. On the other hand, if you go to southern parts of Alaska, near its gulf, you may notice whales, swimming along with your boat.

Alaska is an amazing travel destination but an expensive one too!
Both of us wish to return to this magical place one day. I won’t pass the fact that traveling in this state is more expensive, and the prices in the stores are higher. The accommodation also costs more if you compare it with other holiday places. The reason is that these hotels are in remote locations. Moreover, most of the products needed for a functioning summer lodge, for example, come directly from Anchorage, which is a few hundred miles away. It is crazy, isn’t it?

Travel cheaper in Alaska
However, you can still travel on a budget in the Last Frontier. Consider booking cheap accommodation as an option and sleeping in hostels or campgrounds, as well as cooking most of your food on your way. Here is the moment to mention that there is some kind of funny misunderstanding in many people about Alaska’s temperatures, and how cold it is there. No, it isn’t freezing in the summer months, and going camping is completely possible. Watch out for bears though! 🙂

Weather in Alaska
We had wonderful weather in Alaska, full of sunny and warm days. There were even a few hot afternoons, which Ivan and I spent on a small lake and swam in it.
In general, the average daily temperatures were around 70F in May, got as high as 90F in July-August, and dropped down to 50F in September. During these months, we saw how nature bloomed, and three seasons changed in front of our eyes. You should see it yourself.

Final thoughts
When you move for 4 months from a big city to an almost untouched place in the mountains, your perspective for life changes and becomes better. We will never be the same after the time spent there.
We strongly recommend putting Alaska on your Bucket List. This is an inspiring destination, full of fun activities and endless trails, which would leave you without a breath over and over again…
Happy travels,
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